Office Composting: How to Make it Happen

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Today, we’ll show you how you can get started with office composting in your workplace.

At The Office Compost Program, we’re dedicated to helping businesses work towards a greener, cleaner earth - and we’re happy to share what we’ve learned with you.

In this article, we’ll go over a step-by-step process for implementing an office composting program at your workplace. Let’s get started!


Office Composting: How To Make It Happen In Your Workplace


Step 1 - Determine Your Composting Solution

There are many ways to compost at the office, depending on your location and your office setting. For example, you can:

  • Hire a third party composting company: In many regions, compost and/or recycling is not picked up from commercial properties. In this case, you will need to hire a private composting company to work with.

  • Purchase your own composting bins: In other locations, you may have access to composting services through your regular waste pick-up (though this is not common in Ontario). In that case, you can purchase your own green bins or you may receive your bins from your city. Set them to the curb with your waste following your region’s waste pick-up schedule.

  • Compost on-site: If your company owns a lot of land or you are located in a rural area, you may be able to create an outdoor compost heap right on your own property!

Before you get started composting at work, it’s important to determine which composting solution you will choose.

For most businesses in Ontario, you will need to hire a third party composting company, as many municipalities will not pick up this type of waste from commercial properties.


Step 2 - Educate Your Employees

Any new program or initiative in the office can feel stressful and overwhelming for employees. After all, most people enjoy doing things the same way they’ve always done it! Change can be hard.

However, you can make any change easier by ensuring your employees are fully educate on why this change is happening and how they can properly get involved.


Before launching your new initiative, educate employees on the new program


If employees don’t know how to use the compost bins, where the bins or located, or what food and items can and can’t be composted, they’ll be less likely to follow through.

Plan a team meeting and launch the program. Make sure you outline all of the benefits of composting in the workplace, such as:

  • Saved costs on waste management

  • The environmental benefits - reduced methane emissions and reduce waste in the landfill

  • Cleaner and more sanitary - when food is separated from other waste in a secure container, it’s less likely to attract pests such as mice and flies

  • Your office is doing its part to help make the world a cleaner, greener place

If you have a very large office with many employees, it may even be beneficial to create a Green Office team or committee.

Committee members can help encourage and remind other employees about best practices as this program is implemented throughout your office.


Step 3 - Set Up Your Bins

If you are working with a third party composting company, they will likely supply you with their own composting bins. If you are not, you will have to go out and buy your own.

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The Office Compost Program supplies clients with Green Bins


When you have your bins, it’s time to set them up in the office. It’s best to place them in a spot that is visible and makes logical sense.

For example, if you have a kitchen or break room where employees tend to eat lunch or snacks, then it’s best to place them there.

You can also set up posters near or above the compost bins that outline information such as what items can and can’t be composted.

This will make it easier for employees to remember what they learned from your initial program launch meeting.


Step 4 - Determine Pick-up/Composting Schedule

For the majority of businesses, you will need to work with a third party to collect your compost - and that means you’ll have a lot of flexibility over your pick-up schedule.

Depending on your office size and the average volume of food waste you generate, your composting company may come to your office on a weekly basis, twice weekly, or even more frequently.

In most cases, you can alter your schedule if anything changes - for example, if you notice your bins are getting filled quicker than anticipated.

If you are located in a location that provides compost pick-up with your weekly waste removal, you will not need to determine a schedule. However, you will still need to ensure your bins are out at the appropriate time.


Step 5 - Track Your Impact

Composting may seem small - but it has a huge impact on the environment, especially over time.


Track and present your impact to your team!


For example, the Office Compost Program has diverted over 8000 lbs of waste from landfills so far. That’s the equivalent of taking 9 cars off the road in terms of pollution!

If you are working with a third party composting company, they can provide updates on how much compost you’ve generated and tell you about all the positive impacts you have had!

If you happen to be composting on-site, you can show workers how you’re using the compost (e.g. as fertilizer for an office garden).

Tracking and sharing your impact can help employees see that their efforts are working towards something great! This is a great way to boost morale and encourage your employees.


Start Office Composting Today!

Join The Green Office Movement


Ready to begin office composting at your workplace? Use the steps above to help you create an office composting program and a greener, cleaner office environment.

At The Office Compost Program, we help businesses all over the Kitchener-Waterloo area take big steps in the right direction by helping them compost their office food waste!

Contact us to learn more about how you can get started today.